Fulton Rd from Guerneville Rd to Piner Rd - Widen to Four Lanes
Estimated Construction Schedule: Slated to begin April, 2022 and is anticipated to be completed December, 2024. Construction Contract Amount: $15,578,565 Project ID #: 1178 |
Description: The purpose of this project is to ease future traffic congestion. Fulton Road will be reconstructed and widened to 4 lanes with bike lanes and sidewalks between Guerneville Road and Piner Road. The Project includes PG&E Rule 20A underground district, roller compact paving, 2 travel lines in each direction, widen sidewalk, bike lanes, median islands and storm drain improvements. | |
Contacts: Peter Porata Associate Civil Engineer City of Santa Rosa (707)543-3865 pporata@srcity.org Chad Anderson Quality Control Associate City of Santa Rosa +1 (707) 529-6529 CAnderson@srcity.org Tom Gorman Construction Manager Kennedy Jenks (707) 888-8064 tomgorman@kennedyjenks.com Casey Wood Project Manager GHILOTTI BROS/VANGUARD CONSTRUCTION JV (628)234-5404 caseyw@gbi1914.com Correspondence: Advance Project Notice Advance Project Notice - Spanish Imminent Construction Notice Imminent Construction Notice - Spanish Other Information: C01178_ Invitation for Bids (for information only - see PlanetBids for bidding) C01178 Plans Bid Tabs
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