City of Santa Rosa image CIP

Capital Improvement Project

Fulton Rd from Guerneville Rd to Piner Rd - Widen to Four Lanes

Estimated Construction Schedule: Slated to begin April, 2022 and is anticipated to be completed December, 2024.
Construction Contract Amount: $15,578,565
Project ID #: 1178
Description: The purpose of this project is to ease future traffic congestion. Fulton Road will be reconstructed and widened to 4 lanes with bike lanes and sidewalks between Guerneville Road and Piner Road. The Project includes PG&E Rule 20A underground district, roller compact paving, 2 travel lines in each direction, widen sidewalk, bike lanes, median islands and storm drain improvements.

Construction Update Image

November 2024: Median island work continuing to progress. Planting and permanent traffic striping to follow.


Peter Porata
Associate Civil Engineer
City of Santa Rosa

Chad Anderson
Quality Control Associate
City of Santa Rosa
+1 (707) 529-6529

Tom Gorman
Construction Manager
Kennedy Jenks
(707) 888-8064

Casey Wood
Project Manager

Advance Project Notice
Advance Project Notice - Spanish
Imminent Construction Notice
Imminent Construction Notice - Spanish

Other Information:
C01178_ Invitation for Bids (for information only - see PlanetBids for bidding)
C01178 Plans
Bid Tabs

Measure M Image

SB1 Image

Click for larger image
Project Image

Note: All dates and times are subject to change.