City of Santa Rosa image CIP

Capital Improvement Project

Mendocino Ave Easement South of Dawson Road Sewer Main Replacement

Estimated Construction Schedule: Schedule for this project is not set.
Construction Contract Amount: Pending
Project ID #: 1521
Description: Replace deteriorated and deficient sewer mains in two separate locations: in Dawson Road and along an existing sewer easement perpendicular to Mendocino Avenue. This project will improve approximately 1400 lineal feet of existing 6-inch VCP with a trenchless cured-in-place pipe lining' (CIPP) technology for the alignments in Dawson Road and the existing sewer easement perpendicular to Mendocino Avenue. The existing manholes in both locations will also be rehabilitated. Access and sewer easement acquisitions over 12 parcels are needed for routine maintenance. This system improvement will reduce inflow and infiltration into the sewer system while reducing maintenance costs.

Sara Mathews
Assistant Engineer
City of Santa Rosa
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Note: All dates and times are subject to change.