City of Santa Rosa image CIP

Capital Improvement Project

Seal Coat Water and Sewer Stations, Fire Training Center, and Parking Lots 13,14 & Depot

Estimated Construction Schedule: Slated to begin August, 2017 and is anticipated to be completed September, 2017.
Construction Contract Amount: Pending
Project ID #: 2015
Description: In an effort to preserve paved areas around City of Santa Rosa infrastructure, the City plans to slurry seal paved areas around several water reservoir and sewer and water pump station locations as well as the Santa Rosa Fire Department's fire training center. Slurry seal is a thin coat (T=0.25") of asphaltic emulsion and fine aggregate that covers exposed aggregate, seals cracks, prevents moisture intrusion and increases skid resistance. Please click the link below titled "Seal Coat Water and Sewer Stations, Fire Training Center, and Parking Lots 13, 14 & Depot Addresses" for name and address of each project site.

Grant Bailey
Civil Engineering Tech II
City of Santa Rosa

Advance Project Notice
Advance Project Notice En Espanol

Other Information:
Seal Coat Water and Sewer Stations, Fire Training Center, and Parking Lots 13, 14 & Depot Addresses
#C02015 Invitation for Bids (for information only - not for bidding purposes)
Click for larger image
Project Image

Note: All dates and times are subject to change.