City of Santa Rosa image CIP

Capital Improvement Project

Emergency Groundwater Wells at Oakmont Treatment Plant and Speers Rd

Estimated Construction Schedule: Schedule for this project is not set.
Construction Contract Amount: Pending
Project ID #: 2083
Description: This project is intended to provide the City of Santa Rosa with two investigative boreholes, on two different parcels in Northeast Santa Rosa, to evaluate the viability of installing emergency wells or monitoring wells. This work is being implemented under the Groundwater Master Plan, for more information, go to the Santa Rosa Water's Groundwater website located at:

Additional News: Second Public Meeting for the Proposed Emergency Groundwater Facility at Speers Road: The second public meeting was held on Wednesday June 21, 2017, at the Rincon Valley Library. Approximately 60 residents from the Speers neighborhood attended.

Background information was provided on the City’s Emergency Groundwater Well program including:
• An explanation of the underlying geology of groundwater aquifers in the area (including the relatively shallow alluvial aquifer where the existing private wells in the area get their water and the much deeper volcanic rock aquifer where the proposed emergency well would draw water)
• An overview of the proposed emergency well project on Speers Road
• A discussion covering various community concerns raised to date

In addition, the residents asked many questions and expressed their concerns related to the City’s purchase of the Speers Road property, the City’s criteria for selecting emergency well sites, the potential impacts of having an emergency well in the Speers neighborhood, the proposed site layout and design, and next steps.

Per request at the meeting, the PowerPoint presentation and related documents from the meeting have been posted on the City’s website. Another meeting will be scheduled soon to provide additional information.

First Public Meeting: A Public Open House for the Emergency Groundwater Wells at Oakmont Treatment Plant and Speers Road was held on Wednesday May 3, 2017 at Whited Elementary School. Approximately 15-20 residents from the Speers neighborhood showed up with questions and concerns about the project. We discussed the importance of installing an emergency well, what an emergency well is, and the anticipated depth of the emergency well (700 feet deep); the intent of the pilot borehole and how it will be determined if an emergency well will be installed; and what the facilities may look like if there is an emergency well installed. The residents provided great feedback that will help the facility blend into the neighborhood as well as requesting a fire hydrant to be installed at this location if an emergency well is installed and connected to the existing water system.


Colin Close
Sr Water Resources Planner
City of Santa Rosa

Advance Notice - Spanish
Advance Notice - English
Flyer for Public Open House
Speers Public Meeting 2
Speers Public Meeting 2 - Spanish
Speers Public Meeting 3
Speers Public Meeting 3 - Spanish

Other Information:
Project FAQs - English
Project FAQs - Spanish
Project FAQs - Speers Public Meeting 2
Project FAQs - Speers Public Meeting 2 - Spanish
Environmental Document-Speers
Rincon Valley Test Well Sitting Selection - Technical Memo
Oakmont Test Well Siting Selection - Technical Memo
Presentation for Second Public Meeting for Proposed Emergency Well Facility at Speers Road - June 21, 2017
Emergency Groundwater Program - Speers Road
Project FAQs - Speers Public Meeting 3
Project FAQs - Speers Public Meeting 3 - Spanish

Emergency Well Project Locations - Map
Click for larger image
Project Image

Note: All dates and times are subject to change.