City of Santa Rosa image CIP

Capital Improvement Project

Fulton Rd Sewer Main Improvements West 3rd St to Santa Rosa Creek

Estimated Construction Schedule: Slated to begin June, 2025 and is anticipated to be completed December, 2025.
Construction Contract Amount: Pending
Project ID #: 2117
Description: Replace approximately 650 feet of failing sewer pipe that was installed under Santa Rosa Creek west of the Fulton Road Bridge in 1969. The sewer was originally constructed using 18-inch diameter asbestos cement pipe (ACP) to serve a significant geographical area. However, due to construction of other nearby regional collection facilities, it now serves a relatively small area of only approximately 60 homes located in the Countryside subdivision southwest of Fulton Road and Santa Rosa Creek. The sewer has become partially obstructed and needs to be replaced. The project would include use of open trench construction methods to construct a replacement 8-inch diameter gravity flow sewer under Santa Rosa Creek.

Andrew Wilt
Associate Civil Engineer
City of Santa Rosa

Timothy Selle
Civil Engineering Tech II
City of Santa Rosa
+1 (707) 791-6147

Ben Bryant
Consultant Design Engineer
Brelje and Race

Advance Project Notice - English
Advance Project Notice - Spanish

Other Information:
Fulton Road Sewer Main Improvements West 3rd St to Santa Rosa Creek IS-MND
Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
Click for larger image
Project Image

Note: All dates and times are subject to change.