City of Santa Rosa image CIP

Capital Improvement Project

B St High Traffic Slurry- 1st St to 7th St

Estimated Construction Schedule: Schedule for this project is not set.
Construction Contract Amount: Pending
Project ID #: 2264
Description: The project will install a high traffic slurry over 1,800 linear feet of road way within the project limits and remove and replace the existing brick paver crosswalks with stamped and colored asphalt concrete. This project will also update out of compliance curb ramps to current ADA standards.

February Update: Consultant progressing toward 75% design.


Peter Porata
Associate Civil Engineer
City of Santa Rosa

Jared Wurtz
Civil Engineering Tech II
City of Santa Rosa

Sean Jeane
Design Consultant
Brelje & Race Consulting Engineers
(707) 636-3740
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Project Image

Note: All dates and times are subject to change.