City of Santa Rosa image CIP

Capital Improvement Project

Laguna Treatment Plant Flood Protection

Estimated Construction Schedule: Slated to begin August, 2025 and is anticipated to be completed December, 2026.
Construction Contract Amount: Pending
Project ID #: 544
Description: This project will install flood protection facilities for the Laguna Treatment Plant (LTP), the Geysers and Reclamation Pump Stations, and Biosolids facility. The flood protection will include stategically placed dikes and a passively activated floodgate across Llano Rd to prevent Laguna floodwaters from flooding to the north into LTP. Improvements (including the floodgate) will be made to Llano Rd adjacent to the south entrance to LTP.

November 2024: Design Plans are 90% complete. After review of various alternatives to cross Llano Rd, the preferred design was selected. LID improvements are in design and the environmental footprint maps are being delveloped. Work with permitting agencies continues.


Andrew Wilt
Associate Civil Engineer
City of Santa Rosa

Michael Mirich
Civil Engineering Tech III
City of Santa Rosa

Ben Bryant, PE
Consultant Project Manager
Brelje and Race

Advance Project Notice - Spanish
Advance Project Notice
Community Wide Infrastructure Flood Mitigation Project Public Notice

Other Information:
Initial Public Notice
Initial Study/Proposed MND
Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
Click for larger image
Project Image

Note: All dates and times are subject to change.