City of Santa Rosa image CIP

Capital Improvement Project

Luther Burbank Home & Gardens Reroofing Project

Estimated Construction Schedule: Schedule for this project is not set.
Construction Contract Amount: Pending
Project ID #: 2454
Description: The project involves replacing the existing asphalt shingle roof material on both the Main House and the Carriage House at Luther Burbank Home and Gardens with a similar asphalt shingle material. Additionally, select gutters and downspout will be repaired and replaced where necessary. On the Main House, a section of existing roofing connecting the porch roof will not be replaced in order to restore the break between the main house as evident during the historical period. All work to both structures will proceed according to recommendations of the City's Historic Architectural consultants, Treanor and Associates.

Scott Wilkinson
Parks Planner
City of Santa Rosa

C02454 - Bid Tabs
Bid Tabs
C02454 - Bid Tabs Revised
Imminent Construction Notice English/Spanish
Click for larger image
Project Image

Note: All dates and times are subject to change.