City of Santa Rosa image CIP

Capital Improvement Project

Pavement Preventive Maintenance 2020

Estimated Construction Schedule: Slated to begin June, 2020 and is anticipated to be completed July, 2020.
Construction Contract Amount: Pending
Project ID #: 2252
Description: This project will consist of performing preventive maintenance on City streets by contract. Work to be completed is crack sealing, asphalt dig outs, and pavement resurfacing.

Grant Bailey
Associate Civil Engineer
City of Santa Rosa

Advance Project Notice
Advance Project Notice-Spanish

Other Information:
C02252 Invitation for Bids (for information only-see PlanetBids for bidding)
C02252 Plans (for information only-see PlanetBids for bidding)
Bid Tabs
Click for larger image
Project Image

Note: All dates and times are subject to change.