Capital Improvement Projects List

Image NOTE: The list of public facilities improvement projects shown below contains projects that have completed the necessary budgetary and environmental approval process, as well as those proposed for construction. Appearance of a project on this list does not constitute final approval of any project. Each project is subject to environmental and engineering review to be conducted in accordance with the applicable requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and City Code provisions. To find out about a few Recreation & Parks projects not listed here, visit

Click a Project ID in the table below to see the project web-page report.

Filtered by Projects with City Facilities Component

Down arrow imageClick a column header to turn on sorting. Year/Month.
StatusProjIDTitleDescriptionEst StartEst End
00080Emergency Groundwater Supply DevelopmentThis is a multi-year project to locate and construct multiple groundwater wells to provide a backup water supply in the event of a natural disaster or other event that disrupts the City's water supply from Sonoma Water.2014/012029/01
00685Garage 9 - Hazardous Materials (Investigation)This project is a Regional Water Quality Control Board mandated soil and groundwater study and remediation of petroleum contamination under the multi story parking garage.2021/042025/02
00769US 101 Bicycle and Pedestrian OvercrossingA pedestrian and bicycle bridge crossing over U.S. 101 will connect the northern half of Santa Rosa to residential, commercial, and academic institutions while providing safe and unimpeded bicycle access from high vehicular volumes at the U.S. 101 interchanges.2025/082027/08
01549Inspection of Bridge Assets: Structural CrossingsContinuous maintenance work and assessments on various pedestrian bridges and culverts throughout the City.N/AN/A
02184Fire Station 5 Resiliency and RelocationThis project will rebuild a permanent Fire Station at a new location that will improve response times for the service area, provide space for a larger facility that will support upstaffing during significant weather events and to serve as a forward command post during large emergencies. For more information:
02256Backup Generators - Water and Wastewater FacilitiesThis project will replace existing emergency generators and related equipment at 18 water and wastewater facilities in and around Santa Rosa. These upgrades increase generator capacities, update aging equipment, transition facilities to more reliable fuel sources, and decrease greenhouse emissions. This project is part of our larger and ongoing efforts to harden the City's critical infrastructure against potential future hazards, and is funded in part by grants secured from FEMA and the California Office of Emergency Services.2022/102025/09
02354Garage Hoist Purchase and InstallationTwo (2) in-ground and two (2) above ground heavy duty vehicle lifts in the garage need to be replaced. 78,000 lift capacity with 40' lengths. Work will require excavating the old units, cleaning up any oil contaminated soils, then installing foundations, a sealed vault" type lift that would contain any spills.2025/052025/06
02408B St and 3rd St SB Right Hand Turn Pocket ImprovementsThis project is slated to construct a right hand turn pocket lane in the south bound direction of B Street approaching the 3rd Street intersection. The project will include grading and relocation of utilities within the pocket area, relocation of a traffic pole, and relocation of the curb/gutter, sidewalk, and curb ramp.N/AN/A
02412Hearn Community Hub - Phase 1The City has acquired an approximately 6-acre property at 976, 980 and 1004 Hearn Avenue for the Hearn Community Hub - Fire Station, Library, Cultural Center, Aquatic Center, Dutton Avenue Extension and Multi-use path. Project funding has required the project be phased. Phase 1 will include site improvements, the Fire Station and the Multicultural Library. Go to for current project updates.2025/092027/12
02462Public Safety Building Electrical Equipment ReplacementThe Public Safety building on Sonoma Avenue has outdated electrical infrastructure that can no longer be serviced. This project will replace the primary electrical panels.2024/122025/12

Santa Rosa City Hall - 100 Santa Rosa Avenue - Santa Rosa, CA 95404