Capital Improvement Projects List

Image NOTE: The list of public facilities improvement projects shown below contains projects that have completed the necessary budgetary and environmental approval process, as well as those proposed for construction. Appearance of a project on this list does not constitute final approval of any project. Each project is subject to environmental and engineering review to be conducted in accordance with the applicable requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and City Code provisions. To find out about a few Recreation & Parks projects not listed here, visit

Click a Project ID in the table below to see the project web-page report.

Down arrow imageClick a column header to turn on sorting. Year/Month.
StatusProjIDTitleDescriptionEst StartEst End
00080Emergency Groundwater Supply DevelopmentThis is a multi-year project to locate and construct multiple groundwater wells to provide a backup water supply in the event of a natural disaster or other event that disrupts the City's water supply from Sonoma Water.2014/012029/01
00203Albany, Clement and Malano Sewer and Water ImprovementsThis project will upsize water mains in Albany St, Milano Ct, Clement Ave, and Emeritus Circle to increase fire flows and reduce maintenance costs. The project will replace existing VCP sewer mains in Albany Dr from Oliver to Elliot, Clement Ave from Albany to Malano Ct and in Malano Ct., eliminating 3 sewer mains and storm crossings and a backyard sewer easement. These sewer improvements will reduce maintenance costs and inflow and infiltration. The pavement in the project area will be reconstructed.2023/072024/07
00284Laguna Treatment Plant Disinfection Improvements ProjectUltraviolet light (UV) is the primary disinfection process for the City of Santa Rosa's Laguna Treatment Plant (LTP). The existing system was commissioned in 1998, has reached the end of its useful life, and no longer has the treatment capacity for peak wet weather sewer flows. This project will replace the existing UV system with a new UV system. Additionally, this project will install an effluent diversion pump station and pipeline to convey effluent to the beginning of the plant for retreatment. This provides greater flexibility for operations and regulatory compliance.2022/082025/01
00544Laguna Treatment Plant Flood ProtectionThis project will install flood protection facilities for the Laguna Treatment Plant (LTP), the Geysers and Reclamation Pump Stations, and Biosolids facility. The flood protection will include stategically placed dikes and a passively activated floodgate across Llano Rd to prevent Laguna floodwaters from flooding to the north into LTP. Improvements (including the floodgate) will be made to Llano Rd adjacent to the south entrance to LTP.2025/072026/11
00685Garage 9 - Hazardous Materials (Investigation)This project is a Regional Water Quality Control Board mandated soil and groundwater study and remediation of petroleum contamination under the multi story parking garage.2021/042024/11
00720Hearn Ave at Highway 101 - Phase 3 Rebuild InterchangeThe US 101 Hearn Avenue Regional Multimodal Interchange Project (project) will demolish and reconstruct the Hearn Ave interchange overcrossing in the same location to increase vertical clearance over United States Highway (US) 101, widen the overcrossing to provide two vehicle lanes in each direction, a median, sidewalks, and Class II and Class IV bikeways that will extend to Corby Avenue and Santa Rosa Avenue. The project will also widen the southbound US 101 off-ramp with turning lanes at its intersection with Corby Avenue, add lanes at the intersections of Hearn Avenue/Corby Avenue and Hearn Avenue/Santa Rosa Avenue, and add pedestrian curb ramps and crosswalks that meet the requirements of the ADA and incorporate protection and detection to reduce conflicts between bikes and vehicles.2024/052026/04
00769US 101 Bicycle and Pedestrian OvercrossingA pedestrian and bicycle bridge crossing over U.S. 101 will connect the northern half of Santa Rosa to residential, commercial, and academic institutions while providing safe and unimpeded bicycle access from high vehicular volumes at the U.S. 101 interchanges.2025/052027/05
01102Santa Rosa Creek Trail Access at N. Dutton Ave (West Side)This project will install a bicycle and pedestrian access that meets the ADA standards from Dutton Avenue on the west side to the multi-use pathway along Santa Rosa Creek.N/AN/A
01178Fulton Rd from Guerneville Rd to Piner Rd - Widen to Four LanesThe purpose of this project is to ease future traffic congestion. Fulton Road will be reconstructed and widened to 4 lanes with bike lanes and sidewalks between Guerneville Road and Piner Road. The Project includes PG&E Rule 20A underground district, roller compact paving, 2 travel lines in each direction, widen sidewalk, bike lanes, median islands and storm drain improvements.2022/042024/12
01521Mendocino Ave Easement South of Dawson Road Sewer Main ReplacementReplace deteriorated and deficient sewer mains in two separate locations: in Dawson Road and along an existing sewer easement perpendicular to Mendocino Avenue. This project will improve approximately 1400 lineal feet of existing 6-inch VCP with a trenchless cured-in-place pipe lining' (CIPP) technology for the alignments in Dawson Road and the existing sewer easement perpendicular to Mendocino Avenue. The existing manholes in both locations will also be rehabilitated. Access and sewer easement acquisitions over 12 parcels are needed for routine maintenance. This system improvement will reduce inflow and infiltration into the sewer system while reducing maintenance costs.N/AN/A
01549Inspection of Bridge Assets: Structural CrossingsContinuous maintenance work and assessments on various pedestrian bridges and culverts throughout the City.N/AN/A
01620Santa Rosa Avenue Corridor ImprovementsThe corridor is defined as the stretch of Santa Rosa Avenue between Sonoma Avenue and Maple Avenue. This project will make improvements to existing pedestrian, bike, transit and vehicle facilities along the corridor. Specifically, the project will: Add new and enhance existing pedestrian facilities throughout the corridor. Upgrade pedestrian ramps to current ADA standards. Close gaps in the Class II bike lane network on Santa Rosa Ave. Prioritize transit movements through the corridor. Maintain existing parking. Install landscaped median islands. Install streetscape furnishing such as: Pedestrian Lighting, Benches and Bike racks. Apply pavement surface treatment.2023/072024/10
01643Piner Creek Crossing- HAWKThis project would be installing a HAWK signal for pedestrian crossings, a median island, and two ADA compliant crosswalks at Piner Creek and Fulton Road.N/AN/A
01903Los Alamos Trunk Sewer Replacement Segment 1 (Streamside Dr to Elaine Dr)This project will replace approximately 5300 linear feet of the existing Los Alamos Trunk sewer that was installed in the 1950s that is undersized and in poor condition. The new trunk sewer will be 24-inches in diameter and will generally be installed adjacent to the existing alignment between Streamside Dr and Elaine Dr through private property and along Mission Circle and Quigg Dr. An above-ground sewer bypass system will be installed for short durations at certain locations before being relocated as it follows the construction progress along the alignment. To minimize both public and business impacts, a portion of the work along Mission Circle is conditioned night work and the proposed water improvements serving 4920 and 4934 HWY 12 are conditioned weekend work.2023/052024/10
01904Los Alamos Trunk Replacement: Elaine Dr to Melita Rd at Santa Rosa CreekThe purpose of this project is to replace an outdated and undersized section of the Los Alamos Sewer Trunk, which runs north of and parallel to Santa Rosa Creek from Elaine Drive to Melita Road. This project will provide trunk capacity, increase reliability and reduce maintenance. Relocation of the water main to create adequate separation from proposed sewer line is anticipated.N/AN/A
01929Reconstruct Pierce Street between 4th St and 3rd StReconstruct Pierce street between 4th st and 3rd st. Redesign Road conform with 4th Sreet, add curb ramps and drainage as needed. Scope to include water main replacement and upsizing.2021/042021/06
01965Emergency Well Pump Station- A Place to PlayThe purpose of this project is to convert the existing test well to an Emergency Groundwater Well, along with design and construction of a well pump station and appurtenances associated with the Emergency Groundwater Well at A Place to Play Park.This work is being implemented under the Groundwater Master Plan, for more information, go to the Santa Rosa Water's Groundwater website located at:
01978 Laguna Treatment Plant Waste Gas Burner ReplacementThe City of Santa Rosa owns and operates four anaerobic digesters at the Laguna Treatment Plant. Digester gas generated by the anaerobic digesters is used to mix digester contents and to fuel the engine-driven generators. A waste gas burner will be installed for burning digester gas during times when digester gas production exceeds engine fuel requirements, when engines are off-line for maintenance, or when digester gas is of low quality and cannot be used as engine fuel.2022/092024/08
01999Cobblestone Dr Zone R2-R4 Water Main ConnectionThe Project will install approximately 1,045 linear feet of new 10-inch diameter water main and a pressure-reducing assembly that will connect a high-pressure zone with a lower-pressure zone to improve fire protection in the Cobblestone neighborhood. Approximately 174 linear feet of 8-inch diameter water main will be added near the southern end of Cobblestone Drive to provide operational flexibility including the ability to isolate the Cobblestone neighborhood into a separate pressure zone.2023/042024/07
02041Cleveland Ave & St Rose District Sewer & Water ImprovementsThis project will abandon approximately 700 feet of clay sewer main on the west side of Cleveland between Ridgway Avenue and Carrillo Street by transferring 23 laterals to an existing PVC sewer trunk on the east side of Cleveland Avenue. Additionally, this project will include sewer system improvements for 7th Street and B Street. The work on 7th Street will abandon 540 feet of clay sewer main and transfer 2 laterals to an existing sewer trunk between A Street and B Street. The work on B Street includes replacing a 30-foot section of deteriorated pipe near Healdsburg Avenue. This work will reduce inflow and infiltration and reduce maintenance costs.2022/072024/11
02046Kelly Farm Mitigation BankThis project will create an endangered species (e.g. California Tiger Salamander) mitigation bank on one or more Subregional Parcels. The mitigation credits would be used for City Projects only, with emphasis placed on high priority and Subregional projects.2025/062025/10
02052Controller and Radio Upgrades at Water Pump Stations and Sewer Lift StationsUpgrade programmable logic controllers for all water stations, radio systems for all water and sewer stations to standardized equipment and develop a program to replace them on a regular basis. Currently different hardware and software exists at the stations and local operations has experienced communications errors between station and tanks.2022/082024/04
02083Emergency Groundwater Wells at Oakmont Treatment Plant and Speers RdThis project is intended to provide the City of Santa Rosa with two investigative boreholes, on two different parcels in Northeast Santa Rosa, to evaluate the viability of installing emergency wells or monitoring wells. This work is being implemented under the Groundwater Master Plan, for more information, go to the Santa Rosa Water's Groundwater website located at:
02096Laguna Treatment Plant Filter Cells 9-14 Valve and Actuator ReplacementThis project will address ongoing infrastructure replacement needs plant wide. This particular project will complete the procurement and installation of the remaining actuators and refurbish valves that control backwash for tiertiary filtration.2024/092026/02
02105Laguna Treatment Plant Chillers and Climate Control Upgrades at Administration and Annex BuildingThree chillers, two boilers and associated control equipment have reached the end of their service life as identified in recently completed condition assessment report. One chiller is located inside the Annex Building and two chillers are located outside the rear of the Administration Building. The new chillers and boilers will have greatly increased operating efficiencies and the Programmable Logic Contoller upgrades will allow programming by in-house staff. The ability to troubleshoot and rectify control problems in-house will result in more timely climate control and reduced expenditures for outside contract assistance.2020/032023/11
02111Geysers - Delta Connection ImprovementsUpsize approximately 130 linear feet of the existing 12" diameter connection between the Geysers Pipeline and Delta Pond to 24" diameter. This will allow high flows of recycled water to be delivered to Delta Pond using the Geysers pipeline as a redundant supply line to the reclamation piping network.2022/082024/07
02114Robles Trunk Lining Phase IThis project will rehabilitate the sewer trunk with lining technologies that do not require trenching which will increase longevity of the trunk, and decrease maintenance costs, inflow, and infiltration. Bidding for this project has been cancelled until 2025 as we are working on acquiring all permits prior to bidding.2025/012025/10
02117Fulton Rd Sewer Main Improvements West 3rd St to Santa Rosa CreekReplace approximately 650 feet of failing sewer pipe that was installed under Santa Rosa Creek west of the Fulton Road Bridge in 1969. The sewer was originally constructed using 18-inch diameter asbestos cement pipe (ACP) to serve a significant geographical area. However, due to construction of other nearby regional collection facilities, it now serves a relatively small area of only approximately 60 homes located in the Countryside subdivision southwest of Fulton Road and Santa Rosa Creek. The sewer has become partially obstructed and needs to be replaced. The project would include use of open trench construction methods to construct a replacement 8-inch diameter gravity flow sewer under Santa Rosa Creek.2025/062025/12
02184Fire Station 5 Resiliency and RelocationThis project will rebuild a permanent Fire Station at a new location that will improve response times for the service area, provide space for a larger facility that will support upstaffing during significant weather events and to serve as a forward command post during large emergencies. For more information:
02188Parking Garage 12 Elevator ModernizationModernize both elevators in City Parking Garage 12 including replacing controllers, soft starters, signal fixtures, cab flooring, light fixtures and hydraulic assembly.2022/092023/04
02192Laguna Treatment Plant Emergency Generator Fuel Tank and Fleet Fueling Station ReplacementThe City of Santa's Rosa emergency fuel tank at the Laguna Treatment Plant is at the end of its useful life. This project will remove the existing 15,000-gallon underground storage tank and replace it with a 20,000-gallon above ground storage tank. The new tank will provide the plant with a reliable fuel source for its emergency generator system. The existing fueling station will also be replaced. Plant vehicles rely on this fueling station, particularly during Public Safety Power Shutoffs, when commercial gas stations may not be operational.2023/092025/01
02202Road Rule 20A- Fulton Rd from Guerneville Rd to Piner RdThis is a Rule 20A underground District project in partnership with PG&E. The project involves creation, by the city, of an underground district along Fulton Road between Guerneville Road and Piner Road, design and construcion of the improvements by PG&E. City will provide design and construcion oversight to assure consideration of the future Fulton Road Widening project. The city will also acquire utility easements.2020/072024/12
02212Seismic Upgrades and Improvements Phase 5 - R9A & R16 AND VFD and Fire Pump Additions at S16 & S17Reservoirs 9A and 16 have numerous structural deficiencies including ringwall foundation instability, inadequate foundation reinforcing steel, insufficient anchorage embedment, excessive shell stresses in several shell courses and weak interior center support columns. While the operating water levels in each of the reservoirs should be reduced until the deficiencies are addressed, this is not currently being considered as fire protection capabilities for the areas served by the tanks would be compromised. Improvements to S16 and S17 will be made to improve firefighting capabilities and improve system redundancy.2025/042027/07
02256Backup Generators - Water and Wastewater FacilitiesThis project will replace existing emergency generators and related equipment at 18 water and wastewater facilities in and around Santa Rosa. These upgrades increase generator capacities, update aging equipment, transition facilities to more reliable fuel sources, and decrease greenhouse emissions. This project is part of our larger and ongoing efforts to harden the City's critical infrastructure against potential future hazards, and is funded in part by grants secured from FEMA and the California Office of Emergency Services.2022/102025/09
02258Coffey Park and Fountaingrove Neighborhood Road Disaster RecoveryThis project will rehabilitate approximately 33 miles of City residential streets that were damaged as result of debris removal activities in Coffey Park and Fountaingrove neighborhoods following the 2017 Tubbs Fire. Two treatment options are proposed for streets included on this project, 1) mill and fill asphalt replacement and 2) digout repairs with a slurry seal. Treatment type for any given street is dependent on roadway condition. Please see below links for proposed pavement treatment maps in the Coffey Park and Fountaingrove neighborhoods.2023/112025/06
02259Dotti Farm Recycled Water Pipeline Improvements -CANCELLEDThis project will install a 12" diameter recycled water main connection from the existing 42" LEDS" recycled water main located at the Brown Pond Pump Station to the existing 14" pipe that feeds the Dotti Farm Pump Station located approximately 1,300 feet north in Llano Road. In addition, this project will reconfigure the above ground piping of the Dotti pump station and lower the existing vertical turbine pump motor to ground level for ease of operation and maintenance.2024/042024/07
02262Sonoma Ave Pavement Rehabilitation - E St to Bobelaine DrThis rehabilitation project includes grinding out and/or overlaying approximately 0.9 center line miles of this roadway with hot mixed asphalt due to failing and deteriorating pavement conditions. Existing Class II bike lanes will be maintained and pedestrian ramps will be reconstructed to current ADA standards. Approximately 75 Water services within the project limits will be replaced.2023/102024/08
02263Calistoga Rd Reconstruction- Montecito Blvd to Highway 12This project will reconstruct approximately 1.1 center line miles of Calistoga Road to address failing and deteriorating pavement conditions. Associated improvements are anticipated to include adding buffered bike lanes between approximately Marit Dr. to San Luis Ave., protected bike lanes with green bollards from San Luis Ave. to Montecito Blvd., maintaining existing Class II bike lanes in all other locations, and upgrading pedestrian curb ramps to current ADA standards. In addition to the 1.1 center line miles of road reconstruction, the project will include select sewer and water system infrastructure improvements.N/AN/A
02264B St High Traffic Slurry- 1st St to 7th StThe project will install a high traffic slurry over 1,800 linear feet of road way within the project limits and remove and replace the existing brick paver crosswalks with stamped and colored asphalt concrete. This project will also update out of compliance curb ramps to current ADA standards.N/AN/A
02283Santa Rosa Ave at Bellevue Ave Traffic SignalThis project is slated to improve the existing intersection at Santa Rosa Avenue and Bellevue Avenue from a 2-way stop sign to a 4-way traffic signal as well implement a protected intersection design. Associated improvements include, but are not limited to adding a pedestrian crossing along the south end of the intersection and updating curb ramps to current ADA standards.N/AN/A
02284West College Storage Facility Pumping ImprovementsWest College Wet Weather Facility storage basins allow the City to temporarily divert storm flows from the local system in order to balance flows in the Laguna Treatment Plant during winter storm events. Currently, the City rents two trailer mounted diesel powered, vacuum assisted pumps and places them in position at the West College Storage Facility. The City plans to purchase two mobile pumps of similar capacity in lieu of renting and desires to construct permanent facilities to house and operate the pumps including a pad (with built-in containment), roof cover and connection to existing bypass piping. Additionally, a containment structure will be constructed for the disinfection chemicals at the West College Pump Station near the West College Recycled Water Pond.2022/022024/03
02300Fire Damaged Roadway LandscapingThis project will remove and replace fire damaged irrigation components within City right of way in the Coffey Park and Fountaingrove neighborhoods.2022/082024/09
02319Traffic Signalization at Hearn Ave at Burbank AveProject will install a four-way traffic signal, with 2 traffic poles with mast arms, 6 single traffic pole, Opticom (video cameras) on all four approaches, pedestrian crossings on the south and east legs, lane striping, advanced loop detection east and west of the intersection on Hearn Ave. A proposed traffic signal will increase the traffic handling capacity of the intersection and will improve the safety & efficiency of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Project will improve access to park for pedestrians and vehicles.2025/032025/05
02336Finley Aquatic Center Spray Ground and Renovation ProjectA major upgrade to Finley Aquatic Center including the demolition of the existing wading pool and construction of a new, modern spray ground, new and expanded picnic areas, and upgrades to the pool deck to replace areas in disrepair to ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Finley Aquatic Center will be closed during construction to avoid impacts to popular summer swim programs at the facility. Construction is scheduled to begin in November 2023 with completion in May 2024.2023/112024/10
02354Garage Hoist Purchase and InstallationTwo (2) in-ground and two (2) above ground heavy duty vehicle lifts in the garage need to be replaced. 78,000 lift capacity with 40' lengths. Work will require excavating the old units, cleaning up any oil contaminated soils, then installing foundations, a sealed vault" type lift that would contain any spills.2025/032025/05
02365Sam Jones Hall- Phase 2Accessory improvements to the Sam Jones Hall Annex such as interior walls, restrooms, parking, landscaping and permanent utility connections.N/AN/A
02383Roseland Pavement Maintenance- 2024This project will do pavement repair with digout and top with cape seal at various annexed areas in Roseland. All curb ramps within the project limits will be upgraded to the current ADA standards.2024/072024/10
02391Low Impact Development at Municipal Services Center North (MSCN)A bio-retention facility will be constructed in the corporation yard to provide stormwater treatment and retention for the existing parking lot, storage yard area, and surrounding buildings.2025/042025/05
02393Kawana Springs Community Park GardensThe Kawana Springs Community Park Garden, located at Kawana Springs Road and Amethyst Wy, encompasses approximately 1.08 acres and will have a semi-circle drive with an ADA parking space and two additional parking spaces. Also included in the design is an ADA compliant raised garden bed, two shaded picnic tables & concealed porta-potty. There will be two storage sheds provided as well as shade trees and landscaping outside the gardens. There are accessible paths to the gardens as well as a new pedestrian crossing for Kawana Springs Rd.N/AN/A
02395Transit Mall Roadbed RehabilitationThis project is slated to rehabilitate the concrete roadbed within the Santa Rosa Transit Mall (2nd Steet between Santa Rosa Avenue and B Street). The project aims to address service disruptions, prevent operational safety issues and pedestrian hazards resulting from failing pavement that has exceeded its useful life, and re-establish safe and accessible crossing facilities for pedestrian circulation. The Transit Mall will be closed to the public during construction of this project, however a temporary Transit Mall will be setup along 1st Street between Santa Rosa Avenue and D Street. For additional information and a map of the temporary Transit Mall please visit the following website:
02396Local Sewer and Water Repairs On-Call Phase 18The purpose of this project is to have a structure in place to complete water and/or sewer system repairs or needed upgrades in a timely manner that come to the City's attention and are not scoped to be addressed on another project.N/AN/A
02403Llano Trunk Rehabilitation Phase 1 LTP to Todd RdThis project will rehabilitate approximately 8,100 linear feet of 66-inch reinforced concrete pipe. The RCP trunk line is located on Llano Road near the Laguna Treatment Plant. As part of the Project, eleven manholes located adjacent to Llano Road will be assessed for rehabilitation.N/AN/A
02404Laguna Treatment Plant Aeration Basins Improvements: LTP staff noted that corrosion damage and air leakage are present at many of the above grade air valves where branch piping routes air to submerged diffusers inside all aeration basins. The project will evaluate and replace all four aeration basins low pressure pipes, fittings and valves of varying sizes. The project also includes inspection of the condition and rehabilitation of the settle sewage and mixed liquor channels.N/AN/A
02406Hopper Ave Corridor Fire Recovery ImprovementsThis project will rehabilitate the Hopper Ave Corridor between Coffey Ln and Airway Dr as result of damaged caused by the 2017 Tubbs Fire. Scope has not been finalized but City will need to hold community engagement events to determine full scope of improvements. Visit for additional project details.2025/072026/02
02408B St and 3rd St SB Right Hand Turn Pocket ImprovementsThis project is slated to construct a right hand turn pocket lane in the south bound direction of B Street approaching the 3rd Street intersection. The project will include grading and relocation of utilities within the pocket area, relocation of a traffic pole, and relocation of the curb/gutter, sidewalk, and curb ramp.N/AN/A
02412Hearn Community Hub - Phase 1The City has acquired an approximately 6-acre property at 976, 980 and 1004 Hearn Avenue for the Hearn Community Hub - Fire Station, Library, Cultural Center, Aquatic Center, Dutton Avenue Extension and Multi-use path. Project funding has required the project be phased. Phase 1 will include site improvements, the Fire Station and the Multicultural Library. Go to for current project updates.N/AN/A
02417Emergency Operations CenterCreation of a "hot" Emergency Operations Center for the City of Santa Rosa.N/AN/A
02424Santa Rosa Pavement Maintenance 2023This project will perform various pavement improvements to City streets including, crack sealing, localized asphalt repair, pavement resurfacing and striping reconfigurations. Street priorities are established by the City's Pavement Management System, with a majority of work occurring in the City's downtown area for the 2023 project. Pavement maintenance restores the pavement's ability to prevent water intrusion, corrects minor cracking and improves skid resistance.2024/052024/10
02425Llano Trunk Rehabilitation Phase 2This project will rehabilitate approximately 7,400 feet of 66-inch existing trunk sewer, along with 12 manholes. Project is located along Llano Road from approximately Doyle Rd. to Todd Rd. This is one of several trunk sewer rehabilitation projects needed to ensure continued service, and to prevent costly and disruptive emergency repairs.N/AN/A
02438Water Pump Station 9 Electrical UpgradesThis project will make improvements to critical power supply infrastructure, allowing this water pump station to be powered with a portable generator. These improvements include a mechanically-interlocked Portable Generator breaker and 800 AMP portable generator connection. This would allow the operation of two pumps at the station using a large enough portable generator. There is not currently any safe method for attaching a portable generator to Pump Station 9. This project will also facilitate future maintenance of the facility by installing a PG&E disconnect.N/AN/A
02439Fulton Rd Riparian Habitat MitigationThe City will plant 200 oak trees, 2 non-native trees, and 240 shrubs at a riparian area. Plants will be monitoring for 5-years. 20 native oak trees and 2 non-native trees have been removed as a result of the work along Forestview and Peterson Creeks in the riparian area.2024/012028/04
02442Armory Drive Storm Drain RealignmentIn preparation for the future Bike & Pedestrian Overcrossing Project C0769, approximately 52 linear feet of existing 30 inch storm drain pipe will need to be relocated in order to avoid conflict with PG&E electrical infrastructure being installed to accommodate the Overcrossing project.N/AN/A
024502023 Pavement MarkingsThis project is for the annual contract maintenance installation of edge lines and bike lane lines throughout Santa Rosa. It is intended to ensure bicyclists remain within a bike pathway on the street system by highlighting travel lanes and bike lanes and to provide striping modifications to the street system as needed.2024/052024/05
02454Luther Burbank Home & Gardens Reroofing ProjectThe project involves replacing the existing asphalt shingle roof material on both the Main House and the Carriage House at Luther Burbank Home and Gardens with a similar asphalt shingle material. Additionally, select gutters and downspout will be repaired and replaced where necessary. On the Main House, a section of existing roofing connecting the porch roof will not be replaced in order to restore the break between the main house as evident during the historical period. All work to both structures will proceed according to recommendations of the City's Historic Architectural consultants, Treanor and Associates.N/AN/A
02461Dutch Flohr Neighborhood ParkDutch Flohr Neighborhood Park Improvement project includes a significant renovation of the central area of the site including updated children's play areas, picnic areas, new pathways and site furnishings, and the addition of a series of adult fitness features . There are existing open lawn areas and several established large trees that will remain. All paths will be updated to meet ADA requirements. Curb ramps along the park frontages will be replaced for ADA compliance at Exeter Dr. and White Chapel Way (4) and Exeter Dr. and Coventry Ct. (3). Two bioretention areas will be installed in the park one at the west side adjacent to Exeter Dr., and one at the south side adjacent to White Chapel Way.N/AN/A
02469Fountaingrove Pkwy Pump Station 3 to Reservoir 3 TelemetryInstall new 2" conduit in Fountaingrove Pkwy from Thomas Lake Harris Dr to Fir Ridge Dr. With this new conduit installed, there will be telemetry conduit along Fountaingrove Pkwy from PS3 to R3. Contractor will pull in a new cable from PS3 to R3.2024/082024/10
02471Bennett Valley Golf Course Irrigation PondThis project will provide a new irrigation pond and related pump station within the Bennett Valley Golf Course to update the golf course's irrigation system and allow further use of the existing irrigation lines and well.2025/032025/09
02483Storm Drain Repairs On-Call: Phase 2The purpose of this on-call contract is to have a contractual mechanism to complete storm drain repairs or upgrades in a timely manner that come to the City's attention and are not scoped to be addressed on another project.2024/052025/05

Santa Rosa City Hall - 100 Santa Rosa Avenue - Santa Rosa, CA 95404